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Gorsefield Primary School

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Forward As One CE Academy Trust

Inspire, Challenge, Excel One Team, One Mission, One Family


Welcome to Gorsefield Primary School

I am very proud to be the Principal of Gorsefield Primary School, working in partnership with Forward as One CE Academy and supported by a highly skilled and dedicated team of teachers and support staff. Gorsefield Primary School is a two-form entry primary school with an integrated nursery and pre-school. Gorsefield is a thriving school situated in the heart of the very community to which it serves.

Gorsefield Primary School cannot only offer the very best standard of education to all of our children but a positive, safe and welcoming learning environment to all. We aspire to fulfill the Gorsefield mission to INSPIRE and CHALLENGE all children and adults to EXCEL in everything they do, now and well-beyond their primary schooling.

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  • 'Pupils, and children in the early years, come to school with smiles on their faces because they know that staff will take excellent care of them.'
    Ofsted inspection, march 2023
  • 'Pupils feel a strong sense of belonging at this school. They are proud that their school welcomes everyone.'
  • 'Parent empowerment is a key strength, resulting in the removal of the ‘invisible cloak’ that keeps the work of many schools secret. Gorsefield’s work is transparent to all stakeholders. The partnership between home and school has expanded so that now parents regularly come into school to ‘learn alongside’ their children. Feedback is highly positive.'
  • 'The culture of inclusivity is totally embedded, which ensures that aspirations are equally high for all pupils, with no limits on learning. This enables them to access the full curriculum offer and make strong, and often rapid, progress.'  CHALLENGE PARTNERS REVIEW, MAY 2023